High School

bkg88.jpg (129225 bytes) I went to a private residential High School. We had campuses in Stockbridge, Massachusetts and in Howie-in-the-Hills, Florida. We also had a smaller campus in San Miguel de Allende, GTO, Mexico. Here are some photos I found in my archives:
Me, 1988


Click a photo to enlarge
 I was in a band called "Stagefright". We underwent a few changes in members and campuses, but throughout all our music still sucked.
band1.jpg (210099 bytes) Left to Right:
Brad Goodman, Josh Levinson, Jason Klein, Mike Gonenn
band2.jpg (145728 bytes) Left to Right:
Brad Goodman, Mike Gonenn, Lonnie Cowan, Dan Roth & Alec Dempsey


ArturoYFrank.jpg (185316 bytes) Arturo the Gardener and Frank Paladino.

Frank didn't speak Spanish, and Arturo didn't speak English. Their relationship consisted of Frank yelling at Aturo in his loud Italian voice, and Aturo insulting Frank in Spanish words he couldn't understand. This went on for hours, each and every day. I guess this was their idea of "bonding".  :)


bkgsail.jpg (108210 bytes) Well okay, this wasn't High School, but here was me in my freshman year of college on Boston Harbor.


gonenn2.jpg (178310 bytes)gonenn.jpg (212448 bytes)gonenn3.jpg (68408 bytes) I have had this long-standing theory that there is something genetically wrong with Mike Gonenn that makes it so every picture taken of him comes out lousy!


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