This is a Great Planes Trainer-60. It was built by my business partner
Steve Wolsky around 1994, and we finally got around to flying it in 1999!
We put the Alcita Technologies logo (our company) on it, so Moose wanted
to model with it for the picture... |
This is a Nexus 30 which I bought used. I have crashed it twice so far,
so I've done some serious rebuilding! |
This is the Nexus after I replaced and detailed the body and tail fins. |
This is my friend Jason's airplane - it is a Thunder Tiger-40 trainer. He grew
bored with its performance after a while, so I built him a new wing (shown
here) which runs at a higher speed, better inverted performance, and is a
bit more acrobatic. |
This is my GWS J-3 Lawn Cub that Jason bought me for Christmas! It is an
excellent little plane - about a 15-20 minute flight off of a battery
charge. And it flies slowly and quietly enough to fly at a part (as
opposed to an official R/C airfield.) I have even flow this in our
apartment's garage! |
This is my Hornet micro electric helicopter. I fly this in our garage
all the time! I have an entire web site dedicated to this heli at http://www.alcita.com/bkg/hornet |
This is my Great Planes Extra Special-40 which I built from a kit. I
have flow this guy probably about 30 times so far, but it is still a bit
out of my league. |
This is Bear's exact replica of my Extra Special-40. (You can see my
plane in the background) |
This is Moose's "exact replica" of Bear's exact replica of my
Extra Special-40. (Both planes are in the background) |