Little Blue Bear's Home Page

Bear's email address is Bear is a little shy and is theirfore hiding in the plant (as depicted above.) Likewise, he would be more than happy to hear from you anyways so send him email! He may not answer you (because he is so shy) but he would still appreciate hearing from you. Bear's best friend is Moose, and you can see his web page too if you want. You can also see a picture of bear and moose all wound up. You can also see a cartoon of bear and moose in crayon. Or you can see a picture of bear and moose at halloween. Bear doesn't want you to think that he's too commercial, but he would like you to know that he is the offical spokesbear for PalmDraw.

See Bear & Moose's Photo Gallery

Bear's Favorite Quotes:
"My old man can't get a beer because his old man won't give a bear to another old man." - Nelson Muntz

"A polar bear is a rectangular bear after a coordinate transform."


j02828451.gif (4793 bytes) Send Bear Email!

Bear's Home Page / Last Update: 4/25/2000 /